Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Built on the Rock

Thirteen years ago I meant a young 16 year old orphan child at Camp Lapusna in Central Romania while working in a Summer camp sponsored by Buckner Orphan Care International.  I had no idea at that time that God would call me into a lifelong ministry of working with at-risk and orphaned children.  Nicusor, was a shy, rather small for his age, teenager that had spent most of his life either in abusive family situations or in an institutional orphanage.  Years of neglect had left him far behind other 16 year old boys.  I remember him playing and interacting with the other children at camp as if he was a much younger child.  During the week-long camp we developed a wonderful relationship that culminated in him finding a rock on which he inscribed his name and the number 16.  Nicusor is a common name in Romania, so there were a number of boys with the same name.  He wrote 16 (his age) on it and gave it to me in hopes that I would remember him.  I have kept that little rock on our dresser as a reminder of "Nicusor 16"and a reminder to pray for him often.

Thirteen years later, through social media, Nicusor and I reconnected.  He found out that I would be back in Romania this week so he made a special effort to be waiting at the airport in Bucharest when we landed there on Friday.  What a joy it was to see his smiling face greeting me as we arrived in Romania.  He "brought me up-to-date" on all that has transpired in his life over the past 13 years.  He's had some awesome experiences working in a television studio in Austria and has become an talented visual artist.  He has also had some low times struggling with the shortcomings left from a life filled with the neglect of living in the world of an institutional orphanage and the struggle of living alone in a very poor area of the world.  Our time together was a beautiful confirmation  that God had allowed a relationship that has spanned thousands of miles and over a decade of time to "make a difference" in this boys life.  To be able to hear him say how grateful he is that I have come back to Romania to minister once again was an incredible confirmation of the ministry God has entrusted me with. Thank you, Lord for bringing me back to Romania with Another Child Foundation to reach more "Nicusors."   I will keep picking up that rock and praying for "Nicusor 16"  and thanking God for allowing our paths to cross twice now.  I encourage you to keep praying for the "Nicusors" in your life.  You never know when that "little rock" will show up again.  

Thank you, Lord for letting our lives cross...

Monday, June 29, 2015

The Intern Adventures: Volume 2

Buna Ziua!

We are all still alive and well. Things at the Point of Hope are progressing wonderfully. English lessons are definitely the highlight of our day. The relationships we have formed with our English class are continuously growing stronger. To see their faces on a daily basis brings unexplainable joy to our lives. They are always eager to learn more and treat us with respect even through the language barrier.

All the kids are professionals when it comes to discussing colors, numbers, letters, seasons and weather in ENGLISH! When we run into the kids outside of school, they always make it a mission to run up to us and show off their English talents. We were literally biking in to town the other day and we heard “KATALINA, BAILEY, VICTORIA, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10” in English. (Some kids can’t say Kaitlin, so they all call her “Katalina” instead.) Aside from us teaching them English, they are in return teaching us some Romanian vocabulary.

Two weeks ago the Houston team was here. We assisted with their vacation bible school plans. It was fun to see the kids interact with the Houston team and the activities they brought with them. It was the end of the school year for the students, so we celebrated with a bunch of fun surprises. The fun started with an awesome luau with the help of our volunteers, and it ended with a cake for the staff and kids to celebrate a great year. 

This week we had the privilege to plan a vacation bible school with the youngest two groups at the Point of Hope. It was a change of pace for us since we have been interacting mostly with the older groups. The little ones are so active and have a mind of their own in their own unique way. We loved getting to know them.

God is truly using this ministry to move hearts and change the lives of the Roma people in Tarnaveni and we are blessed to be a part of it.

-Kaitlin Raineri (Peru, IL)
-Victoria Vidrine (Lafayette, LA)

-Bailey Hebert (Lafayette, LA)

VBS at Point of Hope and Ladies Ministry

We have just finished our morning VBS with the preschoolers and are now prepping for the the older kids to arrive for an afternoon VBS.  The team is doing a great job with all the children.  They are prepared for an awesome afternoon with the community kids.  A special shout out to Bailey Hebert, she's done a tremendous job organizing the VBS times!

It has been beautiful to see the ladies ministry progressing.  Four years ago we had our first time of ministry with the community outreach dinner.  I can remember seeing very apprehensive faces as the parents arrived.  This morning I saw bright shining faces, anxious to be here for a time of ministry for the ladies.  The ladies seemed to really enjoy being together, working on craft projects, hearing an inspirational message from Lisa Comeaux, sharing in recreation games, and having their nails done.  Thank you, Lord for building the community here with these ladies.  Our prayer is that this same sense of community will spread throughout this neighborhood as we continue working with the entire family here in Tarneveni.

Worship in any Language

We have begun our journey here in Romania. Yesterday we attended service at the gypsy church, which is located near the Point of Hope. Most of us were apprehensive, not knowing what to expect. As we arrived everyone was very welcoming with many giving us their seats. As the service began you could see from their expressions the love they have for Christ. We also got to share a word and sing. As the service progressed you could sense the presence of the Holy Spirit. As I sat there and looked around, not understanding what was being said, I realized that I didn't really need a translator. When we are worshiping our Lord and Savior it doesn't matter what language is being spoken because there is Worship in any Language.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

The hardest part of the journey has begun...waiting in the airport.  The five from Lafayette have joined the five from Ft. Worth and are now waiting for our 3:00 flight to Amsterdam.  Please pray for no more delays and a safe flight.  We have already had a 30 minute delay, however they just called for boarding, so more posts once we get to the other side of the Atlantic...

Friday, June 19, 2015

Why I Support A Child Through ACF

Me and Cristi 2015

This is my fourth trip to Romania, and each year teaches me something new. I forget from year to year how satisfying the work we do at the Point of Hope is. I remember how much I love it and how fun it is, but it’s the satisfaction I have right now, that I tend to forget. It is a satisfaction that comes from seeing how much of a difference this program makes in the lives of these kids. And I’m not talking about the few weeks I am here each year; I’m talking about the program carried out by the dedicated staff at the Point of Hope year round. If you just look at one boy who I've gotten to know since my first visit to Romania in 2010, you would see the growth he has shown is amazing! I look at Cristi now and see the man he can be, which wouldn’t be possible without the Point of Hope. The children in this community grow up in a poverty we, as Americans, can’t fathom. And their society tells them that this poverty is all they deserve, so they believe it. They repeat what they know from watching their community and the passed down feelings of worthlessness and shame continues. Point of Hope comes in and tells them, “You are worthy!”, “You can accomplish anything!” and “You deserve more!” Then they equip them with tools and habits to accomplish more and show their society that they do not fit into the societal ideal of what a Roma is. This helps break the cycle of prejudice and will hopefully lead to them building a better life for themselves and their families. The Point of Hope staff are truly my heroes! I can’t sing their praises enough!

Amanda Cox
Houston, TX
Cristi in 2010

Crisit 2014

Does a Fall Mission Trip Interest You? It Should!

On October 7 of this year a team of 14 people from across the US will be taking part in the Another Child Foundation "Project Respond" mission trip to deliver humanitarian aid to the orphans and at-risk children of Romania.

Currently, the team has 10 members so 4 spots remain open. Does one of these spots have your name on it? We would love to have you prayerfully join us on this trip. ACF mission trips are specifically designed for the person who has not done a lot of mission travel. Our safe but highly hand-on mission trips will give you the chance to build relationships with children and people that will last a lifetime! Not only will you be a blessing to the children God has entrusted to our care but you will be blessed in ways in which you cannot even comprehend. The team will also be spending some time in the beautiful scenery of the fall foliage and historical sights of Romania. The Carpathian mountains will greet you with all of the beautiful fall colors that will take your breath away.

The team will meet multiple times prior to leaving for Romania on October 7. ACF feels that team chemistry and proper preparation plays a key role in the effectiveness of the team. If you are interested in being part of this magnificent mission opportunity you can let us know by emailing us at: director@anotherchild.org. The next meeting has yet to be scheduled as we finalize the team. The expected date will be in early August.


Mission Trip Testimonies

"ACF takes teams of people from all walks of life, guided by one mission. God works miracles through those teams, and their lives are never the same."  -Teri Schlindwein

"ACF does not just run mission trips, but they have "set-up camp" in Romania through the Point of Hope Development Center. Rather than brief encounters, they are an ongoing presence making a difference in children's lives."   -Pastor Jeff Schlesinger

"I have traveled with ACF 3 times to Romania. Each year was different, but each had a life-changing effect on me. It was humbling to be the hands and feet of Jesus and see the need for love is heartbreaking. The trips are well organized and the accommodations were very comfortable, and I always felt safe. That is important when in a foreign country."   -Sue Maynard 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

God Moves Beyond Language Barriers!

 Coming to a country where English is not the primary language can often be overwhelming. You wonder if you will be understood and if you will be able to get your message across. However a language barrier is nothing that God can’t overcome. Today while teaching a group of 5th through 7th grade boys, I witnessed this firsthand. We spoke to them about strength in God and why there is no fear for those who believe in God. When asked if they had heard of the story of David and Goliath, all of them enthusiastically raised their hands. This was a true joy! In addition to showing excitement for God’s word, it also showed the program had effectively taught them God’s work. Later in the lesson we read Deuteronomy 31:6 (“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”). They repeated the verse after me several times to help them memorize it. Each time they repeated the verse louder and more confidently. Then we tested them to see if they could recite the verse. With slight prompting, the boys all successfully recited the verse. Even though I did not understand the Romanian words used in the verse, seeing God work through them was an amazing display that God’s power and love know no language barrier!

Nathan Daubendiek
Hope Lutheran Church- Rochester, NY

Monday, June 15, 2015

The Intern Adventures: Volume 1

As I enter into the second week of my fourth trip to Romania, I can honestly say that each trip has been unique yet so incredibly fantastic. This year I have been so blessed to start my seven week stay with two wonderful ladies, Victoria and Kaitlin, working along side me. We began our trip in Praid, joining the teachers from the Point of Hope on their staff retreat before traveling to Tarnaveni. As wonderful as this little trip was, we were so excited to begin teaching English at the Point of Hope and see the children! Our first week was filled with a lot of laughter and flash cards, but was definitely a success! We are so blessed to be surrounded by a wonderful group of Romanians who pray and encourage us, as well as take us on wonderful adventures during our free time. We’ve been able to pour into the lives of little ones, and make priceless memories fellowshipping with fellow believers here in Tarnaveni. Our English class with 5th-8th graders is set for the next few weeks and on July 10 we will do evaluations to see how much these kids are able to absorb over the summer. Please keep us, as well as the kids in your prayers! As we begin our second week, we are joined by our first team led by Jessica Huettel! Please keep all of us in your prayers as they begin VBS and we continue to serve the community of Tarnaveni!
                     - Bailey Hebert 
(Follow my instagram for updates on our trip at @baileynicolehebert)

A very fun first day learning the alphabet!

 Wonderful afternoon bike rides!

Games with the after school program

A very focused class!

We had the wonderful opportunity to go pick fresh strawberries at a friend's home!

Our AMAZING Class!

Beautiful Tarnaveni

 Afternoon games

Sweet Vali!