Sunday, April 1, 2012

Mission Team meetings

Today the mission team headed for Romania (the team members from Illinois) on June 21 had their first team meeting. At the meeting we had Karen Goy, Deb Dalton, and Jenn Adams. We covered some of the history of ACF and the connection to Romania as well as what the team will be doing during the 11 days. The team will consist of 5 people from Illinois, 4 from Texas, and 1 from Louisiana. The team will also be joined by ACF's 2-summer interns.

The theme for this year's VBS will be "IMAGINE". Using the popular song by Mercy Me, "I Can Only Imagine" the team will show the children how God wants us to imagine the depth of His love, the magnitude of His grace, and that His arms are always open to us no matter who we are and/or what we have done.

It is going to be an awesome experience for the team as we start getting into the details of how the trip will unfold. But, it will also be a pleasure to see God work outside of the plans we have made as the Holy Spirit will work through and in is as we serve the orphans in Romania. Please keep this team in your prayers as they continue to prepare to be His hands and feet.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Now that we've had our first team meeting the trip seems so much more real to me. I can hardly wait to start digging into preparing our VBS roles.