Monday, June 24, 2013

We Know Who Goes Before Us

This morning, our team sat in the lobby of our hotel waiting for Gabi, who works with Buckner Romania, to pick us up, so that we could head to the Point of Hope Development Center in Tarnaveni. We were discussing our trip and the day's activities. Somehow we began talking about missionaries going to difficult places. I immediately remembered the song that says:

I know who goes before me, I know who stands behind.
The God of angel armies is always by my side.

I told the others on my team that I am completely unable to offer anything to the people that we serve here in Romania by myself. It must be God that works in and through me. Often times people ask me if I'm afraid or nervous to travel, but the truth is that beyond getting through airport security, I'm not. God surrounds us and watches over us. I can't think of any other being that would make me feel more comfortable and safe!

Now on to a little trip update!

I am so proud of the team I'm serving with this week! It is clear that God has brought each of us here specifically to serve the women and children at the Point of Hope Development Center with confidence, compassion and faith! Today we had a wonderful first day with the women! Jan did a wonderful job sharing with the women about how each one of them is made differently and beautifully by God. She told them that through out each of their lives, events push and pull us just like a potter would do to clay to create a cup. These things help to shape us and make us who we are. Each woman went home with a tea cup to remind her that she is beautifully made by our potter, our Creator. Amanda  showed the women how to decorate canvas bags by using doilies and fabric paint. The women were so intense while working on their bags and they turned out very nicely. The women also had the opportunity to rotate through a quilting time with Swanna, one of the long term missionaries here and a healthy eating rotation with Gabi's sister. I was blessed to be able to move from rotation to rotation to take pictures and hold babies! Ian spent the day working with Dennis, the other long term missionary, on miscellaneous projects around the school.

Please join us in praying for our time with the women for the next three days! Pray that we are able to make lasting relationships and that all would come with open ears and open hearts! Thanks!

1 comment:

Dawn Cook said...

Sounds wonderful! I will be praying!