It has been four years since I first visited Romania, and every year I grow and learn more than I could even imagine. When I first traveled to Romania and worked at ACF's Point of Hope educational center, I knew that ten day trips would not be long enough for me. So when the summer after my senior year of high school rolled around I knew exactly where I was going to be. I began to plan for a summer long internship filled with English lessons and mission team preparations. My excitement continually grew as my two month long trip approached, and when it finally arrived it was just as amazing as I thought it would be.
As the summer began I had the chance to serve in so many different, yet amazing, ways. I was able to wash dishes, and then lead music for little ones. I shared Christ with Romanian teenagers, then clean out old rooms. Every day was a new adventure and opportunity to show the love of Christ in so many different ways. I was so blessed to work closely alongside the staff at the Point of Hope, and as the weeks passed our bonds grew closer. When my final days started to approach we all sat down one afternoon to enjoy lunch as we always do, and they began to express their appreciation for me and my fellow interns' service over the summer. As they thanked us I was so incredibly humbled because I realized that through serving them, I had been more blessed than I could ever imagine or express. So, as planning begins for ACF's next summer of missions, I don't know what your plans are or where the Lord would lead you, but I sure hope you find yourself in Romania. My internship with ACF has radically changed my life, and I can only pray that you get the opportunity to let it change yours!
-Bailey Hebert-
Me with my sweet boys, Andre and Vali!
The wonderful girls from my English class, Cami and Otilia!
Sweet Simona!
They boys taking a break from afternoon games to take a quick group picture!
Victoria (fellow intern) and I with Libero (staff) and his wife Ale on a weekend adventure!
Victoria and I with the amazing Sorinel!
Sweet cousin love from Vali and Coco with Simona!
Vali and Simona!
Mr. Libero with little Libero and I!