Tuesday, October 20, 2015

VBS, Shoes, & the Holy Spirit!

This post comes from the hearts, minds, and words of Sue Bohlin, Liz Koster and Pastor Phil
Gronbach from Sterling, Illinois.

The gathering of the volunteers around a breakfast of meat, cheese, and bread draws us from our sleep to busy conversation. Roma children also know as gypsies are waiting for us when we arrive at the door of the Point of Hope Development Center in Tarneveni, Romania. However, the real meaning of our day is leading the kids through Bible studies and other fun activities

Today our eyes were really opened and our sense of smell was tainted with the obnoxious odors as we visited two families in a nearby apartment building where many of the kids who attend the Point of Hope live. The home of one family of six was the size of a large walk-in closet, 12'x20'. There were no appliances but a small wood burning stove and no indoor bathroom or running water. The parents were both gone for the day harvesting fruit a day laborers. When we returned to the Point of Hope a large number of kids swarmed around us, laughing and happy. How can they be happy in such an environment? When we left Point of Hope one little boy was waiting for us, crying outside the door and Margo, the warm-hearted mother that she is, hugged him to herself. HOPE and LOVE re here at the Point of Hope Development Center.

One morning as we entered the POH Enjole and Katelin began singing, Holy Spirit you are Welcome Here. They continued singing as we climbed the stairs all the way to the 3rd floor. The presence of the Holy Spirit was felt in those minutes and the minutes and hours we have spent serving in Romania. It is so evident what difference the presence of God can make in our schools. As you look out the windows and watch the children on the street and then contrast them with the children with the privilege of attending the Point of Hope, you can see vividly what great works are being accomplished at the Point of Hope with God's help.

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