Friday, March 25, 2016


Another Child Foundation has the mission of reaching, teaching, and transforming the lives of people God puts into our ministry's path. Much of the time this happens while we serve in Romania with the kids and families we serve. Transformation also happens during the mission trip experience. ACF uses the mission trip experience as a catalyst for a person to have a deeper relationship with Christ. However, at times we see opportunities to effectively change a persons view of the world in a different way.

At the beginning of this month ACF was able to bring onto our staff a wonderful young lady who has a deep passion for Jesus as well as a determination to leave her finger-prints all over the world. I hope you enjoy reading the first of many posts from Alicia Carter!

I've been very aware lately of so many of my friends and family discovering "what they want to be when they grow up" while in their 40s and 50s. I feel so deeply honored, grateful, and ecstatic to be chosen to be the voice of hurting children and live my DREAM at such a young age! I am beyond thrilled to meet all of the precious children and all others blessed by the Point of Hope in Romania. I also anticipate my trip so I can get back to the U.S. with even GREATER passion and knowledge to be the voice of the children God has entrusted to us. For a season of my life, I was afraid to dream because so many of my dreams had not yet come to fruition. But God has reminded me that our faith and hope in Him are never misplaced! He is always working behind the scenes of our life and working "everything for the good for them that love God and are called according to His purposes." I pray this hope God offers will continue to fill the hearts of our Roma friends, and they TOO will live out the dreams God has placed in their hearts! -Alicia

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