Monday, June 20, 2016

Feels Like Home!

Each year Another Child Foundation has some people who are so overwhelmed that they just have to come back. Many of them start to feel like Romania, and the kids we serve, feel like being home. Here is Brett Kepner's description of "being home".

It is amazing to be back in Romania! Seeing the kids again brought on emotions that have been building up since the last time I told them "See you later!". It feels as though I have started where I left off. I am truly blessed with an amazing team who, like teams in years past, has come to love these kids and show them what God's love looks like! I am so excited to continue building the relationships that I have already begun, and starting to create new ones with children I have never met until now. I can feel God's presence in this camp, and see his spirit in the eyes of the children. My prayers are full of just wanting these kids to know what God's love is, and that we can show them what it looks like, what it feels like, and that we are all loved by Him. I cannot wait for the rest of my time here at camp, and, though it will be hard to say goodbye, I pray that when these children leave, they will leave with the knowledge that they are loved! Not only by us, by more importantly, by God. - Brett Kepner

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. (1 john 4:8-9)

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