Thursday, October 27, 2016

A Trip that "Fit" Perfectly!

Emery fitting a child with shoes!
I thank Another Child Foundation from the bottom of my heart for letting Emery come on the mission trip to put new shoes on the feet of orphan and hurting children in Romania. We got home Saturday, and the longer we've been home, the more I see what an impact his experience had on his heart. I've always tried to tell him to put others first before himself. While in Romania, he showed me that my words have sunk in. Even though he was exhausted, totally out of his comfort zone, and suffering from a sore swollen ankle, he served so many sweet children joyfully. After seeing the overwhelmingly devastating effects of poverty, I know he has a new sense of gratitude for the many blessings our family has (that we so easily take for granted). This was a priceless experience that I know will shape him into the man that God has called him to be. He has said many times since we've been home that he misses the kids. Even though they spoke different languages, Emery made so many friends! We will definitely be going back. Until then, our hearts and prayers will be with every child we had the honor to serve while we were there.

Alicia & Emery

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