Tuesday, October 11, 2016

ACF's Fan Friday Part 3

Damian, Olivia, Darrian and Lisa DeKezel

Live in Cambridge, IL and attend Cambridge United Methodist Church in Cambridge

Became connected to ACF when ACF Director Tim Oloffson spoke at their church. Have been supporting ACF since this summer when Damian went on an ACF mission trip

Why should others get involved?

It is impossible to describe the experience of bringing children to God or watching them connect in a way they haven't before. You truly see God at work in a way that will change not only their lives, but yours forever. It's life changing for all involved. 

What does ACF do very well in your eyes?

ACF provides a support network that not only helps to connect you with an established mission, but also provides confidence and mentoring for those new to mission work. ACF also helped us to be able to continue the ability to support the mission following the mission trip. This helped us to allow our work to continue. 

Damian at work!
Why do we continue to support this cause?

James 1:27 speaks to us: Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. We feel called to extend God's love to those less fortunate - in particular God's children in need. After my recent mission trip, I was able to see how deep the need is.

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