The Lind Family
(Jackson, Elijah, David, Payne, Candy, & Josie)
Live in Walnut, Illinois and attend Walnut Community Bible Church
Family members have traveled with Another Child on several
mission trips
Why should others get involved?
The mission trips are so
organized. Because of this organization, all of the focus of the trip can
be completely on serving Christ. No worries need to be spent on travel,
language barriers, or finances while on the trips! When
I think of the mission trips in which we have been a part, I absolutely know
that these trips have been one of the best experiences that I could offer my
children. To take time to step away from our every day life -- ball
games, dance practices, laundry, etc... -- and just focus on God's path for us that
day is something everyone should do. When we put forth the effort to
remove life distractions and focus fully on the Lord's path, then He will move
greatly through us. At such a crucial time in my children's lives (their
teenage years), these trips have shown them the only thing that really matters:
doing what God wants. In addition to my two children who have taken
the trip, my other two have also been greatly touched. They have been
able to see how God provides when the finances of the trip were up in the air.
They made sacrifices at home so that we could go. They prayed for
the trip and for the kids we would meet. They, too, were able to
completely see God through it all.
How have you seen ACF make a difference?
I like knowing that our money is really making a difference in individuals' lives. After visiting the Point of Hope and seeing the conditions in which the Roma people live, we see a great need that is being reached. When Josie visited Point of Hope in the summer of 2015, she was able to meet the little boy that she has grown to love through her support of ACF. Actually putting a face to Denis, to be able to hand him extra treats that she brought for him, and to be able to give him a hug makes the support seem so much more real.
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