Sunday, July 3, 2011

Saturday, July 2nd, 2011

We had such a fantastic week of Vacation Bible School for the Tarnaveni gypsy kiddos!

During the week we were able to minister to over 100 kids as young as five years old and even up to the age of fifteen. They had a wonderful time learning about David and Goliath, Queen Esther, Jonah and the whale, Daniel and the Lions Den, and about the death and resurrection of Jesus. We focused on how important it is to trust in God to protect us and provide for us, how vital our obedience to Christ really is, and also how the kids can choose to accept the free gift of eternal life that has been given to them!

The kids were able to make rainbow tissue paper butterflies, beaded dream catchers complete with feathers, and even enjoy some good ol' face painting. Although the weather outside was pretty nasty all week, we were able to keep high spirits inside the Tarnaveni gyspy church building every day. Our wonderful translators led worship every morning and even included several songs that we knew in English such as  "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands" and "My God is so Powerful." The kids loved getting involved with all of the hand motions and they participated beautifully! 

We all got the feeling that the Bible stories were making sense and that the themes were really "sinking in" because of the responses we would get on the following day. The kids really understood WHY it was that Daniel wasn't harmed in the lions den and WHY Christ had to die on the cross. It was so encouraging to see that they were learning!

It was awesome to have the chance to work with these precious kids that we have been forming relationships with for several years now. I lovedlovedloved getting to see my precious Vali who is now 11 years old (so hard to believe because of his thin frame!)It was so great to see how he's growing and maturing and to have more time to just love on him. Here's a picture of my little guy-->

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