Monday, October 22, 2012

The Disconnect & My Voice

The building where many students from the Point of Hope Development Center live.
I've done my fair share of traveling around the world. Honestly, I have been blessed and had the opportunity to do more than my fair share. I have met amazing people and the Lord has given me sweet relationships that continue to this day. With every touch down of airplane wheels to foreign tarmac, I am so excited to see what I can do to love on and bless those that I come in contact with, but often times I am so overwhelmed by the love that I receive that it's a mutual offering given from both sides. I have shared before about how I will never be the same after these experiences. It is impossible for me to return to U.S. soil and pretend that I didn't see the things that I saw or experience the things that I experienced. I can't pretend that people are not living all around the world without the vital necessities of life. I have found that there is a huge disconnect between the way I am able to live here and the life that many are subjected to around the world. How can I go on living as if this isn't true? And the answer is that I cannot. It is impossible.

I could easily go in to how life isn't fair. We all learned that lesson when we were small children and someone else took our toy or a piece of candy away from us. In this life we are no longer talking about such petty things, we are talking about big things- life altering things. It isn't fair that I was born in the United States. It isn't fair that my parents are both still alive and active in my life. It isn't fair that I know that every time I am hungry, I will be able to eat. So many people are not guaranteed these luxuries. With these unfair advantages, I am also given a voice and I have a choice about how I will use it.

When God brought me to each of the amazing places that I have been, it wasn't just so I could meet the people, see the sights and experience the culture. He wanted to do a work in me. He wanted to open my eyes to the unimaginable. He wanted to show me people groups who have love and joy despite their lack of material possessions. He wanted me to learn from these people and from Him. I am so thankful for His teaching and His constant working in my soul. I am thankful for the uncomfortable reminders of the disconnect between our lives. He keeps me accountable for the life that I lead and the steps that I take to make that disconnect a little smaller. Step by step, I will do what I can through His leading to make changes in the lives of those who are struggling. After all, He stirs my spirit and I will not look away. I will not stand in silence. I will follow His lead and use my voice to bring about change.

What do you use your voice for?

1 comment:

Dennis said...

great word, lady! I haven't traveled much, but it doesn't take much to realize that: "To whom much is given, much will be required"