Friday, June 28, 2013

Hard Stories & Sweet Smiles

Manicures with the women.
 The women we met this week have hard stories to tell and yet they desire the same things that you and I desire. They desire to be loved and cared for, but in their reality, this isn't always the case. We tried our best to encourage all of the women this week and to remind them of God's love for them. They soaked up our hugs and praise like children. Despite our time together, they still returned home to unimaginable conditions each afternoon. I don't mean to make a blanket statement about the women of Romania. They are vibrant women, but many of them lead very difficult lives. Beyond the dilapidated conditions of their homes and the lack of jobs and money to buy food for their families, many of these women are starving for validation and community. I hope and pray that we worked towards creating that among them this week.

A certain little girl stole my heart when I was here last summer. I have her picture in my room and think about her often. This past week I met her mom and learned a little bit more about her story. Can I tell you that I wish I could bring this sweet little girl home with me even more than I did before? The little girl with the pigtails is precious and sweet and full of life. She is well adjusted and gives hugs freely. She smiles so big that the room lights up when it happens. Honestly, the room stays pretty bright because she smiles constantly. I would have had no idea how difficult her life is had someone not told me. So far, there are no signs that display the harsh reality of her world at home. I pray that there never are! I pray that she remains full of life and that the darkness within her home never blots out the light that shines within her. When I met her mom, I noticed right away that she always sat by herself and that she didn't interact with the other women very much. She didn't smile very much either. I asked the staff about her right away. To learn more about this woman meant that I would also learn more about the girl with the pigtails. I was told that her husband went away from the village to work, which is common in the area because there are no jobs, but that he didn't send any money home for the family. Life in this village is no easy thing, but it becomes even harder when the bread winner doesn't send any bread home and you have four children to feed. He has returned home and has been drinking excessively. He has hit the children. The mom has begun drinking as well. Life for these precious children is unstable and hurtful. It makes my heart hurt.

I am so grateful that the sweet teachers and staff at the Point of Hope are here in Romania to love on the girl with the pigtails, her siblings and all of the other children at the school when their home situations are unimaginable and even when they are not. The children that are served at the Point of Hope know that they are safe and cared for there. Not only are they ministering and loving on the children, but they are also reaching out to the women. I'm grateful that the mom of the girl with the pigtails is also learning that she has worth and that people do care for her too. Despite the circumstances that surround her, she is being shown God's love! By the end of the week, I just might have glimpsed a smile on her face too!

1 comment:

Dawn Cook said...

Thank you Jessica for sharing. God bless your ministry this week! It is important!