Friday, June 28, 2013

Hard Stories & Sweet Smiles

Manicures with the women.
 The women we met this week have hard stories to tell and yet they desire the same things that you and I desire. They desire to be loved and cared for, but in their reality, this isn't always the case. We tried our best to encourage all of the women this week and to remind them of God's love for them. They soaked up our hugs and praise like children. Despite our time together, they still returned home to unimaginable conditions each afternoon. I don't mean to make a blanket statement about the women of Romania. They are vibrant women, but many of them lead very difficult lives. Beyond the dilapidated conditions of their homes and the lack of jobs and money to buy food for their families, many of these women are starving for validation and community. I hope and pray that we worked towards creating that among them this week.

A certain little girl stole my heart when I was here last summer. I have her picture in my room and think about her often. This past week I met her mom and learned a little bit more about her story. Can I tell you that I wish I could bring this sweet little girl home with me even more than I did before? The little girl with the pigtails is precious and sweet and full of life. She is well adjusted and gives hugs freely. She smiles so big that the room lights up when it happens. Honestly, the room stays pretty bright because she smiles constantly. I would have had no idea how difficult her life is had someone not told me. So far, there are no signs that display the harsh reality of her world at home. I pray that there never are! I pray that she remains full of life and that the darkness within her home never blots out the light that shines within her. When I met her mom, I noticed right away that she always sat by herself and that she didn't interact with the other women very much. She didn't smile very much either. I asked the staff about her right away. To learn more about this woman meant that I would also learn more about the girl with the pigtails. I was told that her husband went away from the village to work, which is common in the area because there are no jobs, but that he didn't send any money home for the family. Life in this village is no easy thing, but it becomes even harder when the bread winner doesn't send any bread home and you have four children to feed. He has returned home and has been drinking excessively. He has hit the children. The mom has begun drinking as well. Life for these precious children is unstable and hurtful. It makes my heart hurt.

I am so grateful that the sweet teachers and staff at the Point of Hope are here in Romania to love on the girl with the pigtails, her siblings and all of the other children at the school when their home situations are unimaginable and even when they are not. The children that are served at the Point of Hope know that they are safe and cared for there. Not only are they ministering and loving on the children, but they are also reaching out to the women. I'm grateful that the mom of the girl with the pigtails is also learning that she has worth and that people do care for her too. Despite the circumstances that surround her, she is being shown God's love! By the end of the week, I just might have glimpsed a smile on her face too!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mini Women's Ministry Update

To say we've had a blast with the women this week would be an understatement! As the week has progressed, we have had the opportunity to meet lots of women. We have shared stories, meals, and activities with one another. Their stories are vastly different from ours and at the same time almost exactly the same. It has been amazing to watch the women open up to us and to share with us about their lives- both their joys and sorrows. Our days have been packed full, so we haven't had much time to type up blog posts, but know that amazing stories are coming soon! Please continue to pray for our last day with the women tomorrow. We are excited to spend this precious time together, but we are also sad that our time here is coming to an end.

Monday, June 24, 2013

We Know Who Goes Before Us

This morning, our team sat in the lobby of our hotel waiting for Gabi, who works with Buckner Romania, to pick us up, so that we could head to the Point of Hope Development Center in Tarnaveni. We were discussing our trip and the day's activities. Somehow we began talking about missionaries going to difficult places. I immediately remembered the song that says:

I know who goes before me, I know who stands behind.
The God of angel armies is always by my side.

I told the others on my team that I am completely unable to offer anything to the people that we serve here in Romania by myself. It must be God that works in and through me. Often times people ask me if I'm afraid or nervous to travel, but the truth is that beyond getting through airport security, I'm not. God surrounds us and watches over us. I can't think of any other being that would make me feel more comfortable and safe!

Now on to a little trip update!

I am so proud of the team I'm serving with this week! It is clear that God has brought each of us here specifically to serve the women and children at the Point of Hope Development Center with confidence, compassion and faith! Today we had a wonderful first day with the women! Jan did a wonderful job sharing with the women about how each one of them is made differently and beautifully by God. She told them that through out each of their lives, events push and pull us just like a potter would do to clay to create a cup. These things help to shape us and make us who we are. Each woman went home with a tea cup to remind her that she is beautifully made by our potter, our Creator. Amanda  showed the women how to decorate canvas bags by using doilies and fabric paint. The women were so intense while working on their bags and they turned out very nicely. The women also had the opportunity to rotate through a quilting time with Swanna, one of the long term missionaries here and a healthy eating rotation with Gabi's sister. I was blessed to be able to move from rotation to rotation to take pictures and hold babies! Ian spent the day working with Dennis, the other long term missionary, on miscellaneous projects around the school.

Please join us in praying for our time with the women for the next three days! Pray that we are able to make lasting relationships and that all would come with open ears and open hearts! Thanks!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Let the Summer Begin!

Another Child Foundation's first summer mission team arrived in Romania today! Amanda Cox, Jan & Ian Larson and Jessica Huettel arrived safely in Bucharest after a few minor hiccups along the way.  Tomorrow they will begin to prepare for their time with the women and children at the Point of Hope Development Center! With excited hearts, each team member anticipates what the Lord will do this week!

Please pray for the team to be purposeful and aware of the needs of those they serve. Pray that they are in tuned with what God would have them to do and say. Pray for open conversations and friendships between the women and the team, as well as for safety and health for all!

Thanks so much for joining us on this journey! We will update the blog as frequently as possible!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Craft Hope Article

I contacted Jade from Craft Hope back in February about Another Child Foundation being considered for one of their upcoming projects. Craft Hope is an organization that encourages crafters around the world to make handmade items to fulfill a need and to spread hope. I had no idea what would happen, but I was praying and believing great things would come from this partnership. I have participated in a few of Craft Hope's projects before and love the community of crafters who use their talents to bless others. I tried to patiently wait until I heard back from Jade at the beginning of April. She let me know that Another Child Foundation would be featured for Project 21: Rally for Roma. I was so excited and kind of unsure of what to expect. Jade and I decided that we would collect hats, scarves and blankets in hopes of helping families in Romania keep warm during their harsh winters. Many of the wonderful people ACF works with in Romania live in condemned, Soviet era apartment buildings that are not completely sealed off from the elements. The objective of Project 21: Rally for Roma became to spread hope and warmth. After weeks of collecting packages from all over the world, I would say that we will definitely be spreading hope and warmth when these handmade items arrive in Romania sometime in the fall.

When Jade and I began organizing everything for Project 21, I sent pictures and stories to her and she let me know a little bit about the process. I remember her telling me that "it is all such a wonderfully amazing journey!" I didn't fully get her sentiment then, but I totally do now! In the past two months, I have received over 175 packages. I had the overwhelmingly awesome opportunity to go through each envelope and box. I counted and repacked each item, so that everything can be taken to a warehouse where they will then be put in to a shipping container and sent to Romania. As I pulled out each item and read the sweet notes sent from many participants, I realized that Jade was so right! This has been an amazing journey that has spread way further than I ever imagined it would! I received packages from Japan, Australia and New Zealand to name a few of the distant countries that sent handmade items! I have been blown away by the generosity of people who do not know about Another Child Foundation or the awesome things that they are doing in Romania. I am blown away by the effort each participant has put in to this project and know that each item will go to a person in Romania who will truly benefit from their hard work! This has been an unbelievable journey that continues on. I took the 30 plus large boxes of handmade hats, scarves and blankets to Dallas on June 7th and I can't wait to see them arrive in Romania and be distributed!

Here is the most recent count of the items ACF has collected for Craft Hope's Project 21: Rally for Roma!
Scarves- 620
Hats- 1008
Blankets- 300
Mittens/Gloves- 40
Booties- 26
Misc. Warm Clothing Items- 12

That's a total of 2,007 handmade items! WOW!! Thank you so much for your generosity! Together we are doing BIG things!