Thursday, April 10, 2014

International Roma Day

Tuesday, April 8 was the International Day of Roma throughout the world. I thought it would be good to post a couple articles that you all could look at to understand what Another Child Foundation is trying to do. It will also show you the difficulties ACF has and the time it will take to have our work bear fruit. Even with the challenges ACF faces we can already see the difference ACF and Fundatia Buckner are making to the individual children we help on a daily basis. I am sure that God
does not see these people as outsiders or people that should be on the fringe of our societies. So, as Another Child strives to be the hands and feet of Jesus, then us tending to the Roma's needs is imperative. Here is a couple articles that helped me understand the situation better.

Human Rights Europe

UN News Center

So, as Another Child Foundation and Fundatia Buckner continue to dedicate our ministries to assisting the Roma people keep the staff in Romania in your prayers as they overcome many obstacles with an unending devotion and Faith.

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