Sunday, June 22, 2014

Day 2 update

For those of you expecting to hear from one of our mission trip people I am sorry to report that the entire team has turned in early leaving me to give you the update on today's activities.

Most of the team rested very nicely last night but we did have a couple people that struggled with the sound of a wedding party next door as well as the slightly harder than normal beds we get to use. It was very nice of Dennis Lofton to offer a bit of sarcastic sympathy as he told the team that he was forced to sleep in his queen sized pillow top bed at the apartment he and his wife rent here in Tarneveni. The team took his little jab with a smile as they know Dennis as a very kind man who would sleep on the floor if a team member truly needed his pillow top comfort.

Today we started the day at the local church where many members have children attend our Point of Hope Development Center. The church atmosphere reminds me of a Pentecostal church in the US. It was obvious from the moment we stepped into the room used for worship that the Holy Spirit has filled the room. Team member Daisy Christiansen said she got the goose bumps as soon as she entered the room. I am sure the others felt the same way. The worship lasted 2 full hours but the time seemed to pass very quickly as the team witnessed worship in a whole new way. Team member Laura Smith volunteered to sing a beautiful rendition of Amazing Grace to the people in attendance. Once again it was a moment to remember as the presence of God was so very obvious. The Fundatia Buckner President Dacian Moldovan also had a chance to share with the congregation some Biblical thoughts that had moved him. The whole worship experience was awesome. As the team left the worship room they began meeting some of the children in the neighborhood. The team was amazed at how quickly the kids began interacting with them as they were also amazed on how quickly they be Mae attached to the kids. I told them that it only gets better as we move through the week.

After a great lunch the team headed to the Buckner Group home for an afternoon of building relationships with these beautiful girls. After a nice walk and some good pizza the team had to leave and hugs were plentiful as the team said their good-byes to these girls. Unfortunately the team will not get another chance on this trip to get to know these girls better. But the good news is that Another Child Foundation has some excellent group home parents and staff that work with these girls Oma daily basis. That is the strength of ACF. We never tell these kids good-bye we always tell them see you later as we know other mission trip participants will fill their shoes as we continue to bring hope to these beautiful girls.

I am really hoping to post some pictures to the blog tomorrow. Monday starts a week of ministry at the Point of Hope Center with up to 50 children and 30 mothers. The team is looking forward to the next round of building ongoing relationships with the children and moms. Keep the team in your prayers. Fortunately we have no specific prayer requests other than some good rest for the team and that the VBS activities go as planned and that the kids are open the the good news we bring to them.

Thanks for reading this blog post and look forward to hearing for a different person tomorrow.

Tim Oloffson- Executive Director
Another Child Foundation

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