Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Love Blankets, Mission Trips and more!

Last week one of our ling-time supporters dropped off 4 large boxes of blankets that a friend of hers had made to help our children in Romania. What a blessing it was to see a marvelous lady who has had little contact with Another Child Foundation feel called to support in such a generous fashion. These LOVE blankets will be used to keep children and families warm during the cold winter months.

We are also starting to fill up the summer mission teams headed to Romania. The July 8/19 team has only 1 more spot available. The June 25/July 5 still has a couple spots open. The June 11/21 team still has 6 spots open. I want to remind everyone that all of the Another Child Foundation mission trips are OPEN to anyone from anywhere.

Finally, we want to put out a need that we have. This year has been extremely cold in Romania and has exposed a HUGE need. Since many of the children we serve come from an extremely impoverished situation the need for a pair of winter boots is extremely valuable. Children are expected to go out into the cold and retrieve wood so that the family can keep their homes warm. So, we are asking all of our donors to keep an eye out for any season-ending sales where boots are marked down significantly. You can then drop these shoes off at the ACF missions office in Princeton, Illinois or to a ACF Board member close to where you live.

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