Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Point of Hope Quilt Winner

Jennifer Simpson from Texas was the winner of the Point of Hope quilt that was given away in conjunction with the kick-off of Another Child Foundation’s $12 for 12 campaign (12 dollars for 12 months) which features the verse Romans 12:12-13  which states, “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need, practice hospitality.”  Jennifer shares her thoughts about the quilt and much more:

“I was pleasantly surprised and honored when I found out I had won the quilt as a result of participating in the $12 for 12 Another Child Foundation program. I first learned about ACF through Dennis Lofton, our Minister of Music at my church, First Baptist Church in Burnet, Texas. Mr. Lofton and his wife, Swanna, shared their testimony about how their lives had been changed through their ministry in Romania. Mr. Lofton organized a mission trip for the summer of 2014 in which our daughter, Kristian Simpson, was able to go. Kristian fell in love with the girls at the girls' home, the children at Point of Hope and the women in Romania, just to name a few. Kristian was so excited to share how God moved in her life through this experience. She shared with us and our church family pictures, videos and told many stories about how God was at work throughout their mission trip. The love and passion Kristian developed for the people in Romania touched our hearts and we immediately felt connected with the people there through both her experience and our prayers for them. Without hesitation we knew that God wanted us to give to ACF so that lives could continue to be blessed. Although the amount of giving is not a lot, we pray that we will be able to contribute more in the future so that many more may be blessed by God's blessings. May God bless ACF and the people of Romania. Thank you so much for the handmade quilt; it will forever be cherished by our family. We pray for all the hands that touched it and consider it a blessing to receive such a special gift!”

For more information about how you can make a difference through the $12 for 12 program click here: http://www.anotherchild.org/12-for-12-monthly-giving-opportunity/

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