Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Ministry Day #2 UPDATE!

Enjole with her new friend!
Today's blog post comes from Enjole Powell who lives in Arlington, Texas. Enjole has been a great addition to the team.

Today we had our first full day of working with the kids at Point of Hope. No sooner did we get there that I had a little girl laying on my lap. The kids had so much energy and life in them, despite their circumstances when they leave Point of Hope.

 The kids went from various activities such as crafts, hearing/acting out a bible story, group games, and getting new shoes. The kid's faces lit up as they got their very own pair. Seeing the kids laughing and smiling totally made my day and reminded me that God is so much bigger than our circumstances. Where God is, joy can be found.

It has been absolutely amazing to be a part of something that meets their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. I am very thankful and can't wait to see what God has in store!
Waiting in line for shoes and LOVE!
Our official team picture!

Hope being placed
on children's feet!

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