Monday, May 2, 2016

Our God is So Good!!

How good is our God? Last week He opened the door for us to reach even more children with the Good News of the Gospel! It is so very obvious that the Spirit of the Living God is at work in this small community of 24,000 people. I am quite sure that many of these children were hearing this Good News for the first time in this way. ACF is blessed to be part of something this AWESOME!

“Whoever wanted to have fun during spring break registered for the ‘Spring School’ organized at Point of Hope. However, this was not a normal school, but a very special one which offered: Bible stories, crafts, sports and games, music, face painting, ping pong, a lot of fun and the opportunity for the children to make new friends. This ‘school’ did not address the children of Point of Hope, but children from Tarnaveni who attend schools located downtown, children who have never been at Point of Hope before, and might have never heard about it. The team of Point of Hope did a great job setting up for a two day program which was first offered on Monday and Tuesday, to 56 children (1st to 4th graders) from the Traian Gymnasium, and on Wednesday and Thursday to 60 children from the Avram Iancu Gymnasium. The most exciting things about this project were: first, this was a great opportunity to reach out into the community – getting to know kids from other backgrounds and letting them get to know us, while also establishing contact with their parents and building their trust in what Buckner Romania and ACF are doing in Tarnaveni. The second great thing was the opportunity to offer Bible teaching to these children, reminding them about the true meaning of Easter, beyond chocolate bunnies and colored eggs. It was a great experience for all of us to meet and to serve these children this way, and their smiles and eagerness to learn and to do new things were very rewarding. We feel that this was a great step toward the community of Tarnaveni, letting people know that we are there to make a difference and to be a blessing to them all.”

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