Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Best of 2016 Mission Trips!

What a summer it was. 5 mission teams were sent to Romania. Each team had a different mission and focus. Yet, each team had a common purpose. That purpose was to spread the love of Jesus to the people they came in contact with during the 11 days in which they traveled and the many days afterwards.

Another Child Foundation is a firm believer that the mission trip never ends. Every person in God's world is on his or her own mission trip each day. ACF tries to use the mission trips to the country of Romania as a catalyst to a closer walk with Jesus. The work being done during the 11 days of a mission trip are very important but we also believe that it is ACF's responsibility to "make disciples" here in the US and in Romania.

Below are just a few of the best pictures and quotes from this year's mission trips. I hope you enjoy them and truly see that the ACF mission of reaching, teaching and transforming are not just some words on the wall of the Executive Director.

Point of Hope Mission Team
The rewards have been many.  It's watching special moments - like kids hugging the team members and squeezing so tight, women laughing at each other as they use a facial scrub and relax with cucumbers on their eyes.  It's about visiting the homes of the people you are serving and watching the pride with which they welcome you into their homes.  The pictures they proudly show you of their families and seeing the crafts the kids made the past week displayed on the walls of their home.  It's sharing with these people the struggles we have and how they are similar to their struggles.  It's telling these people that the same God carries us through the tough times and through the good times.  It's about sharing the Hope we find in Christ. - Terri Harper

You can read the entire blog post HERE.

Kaylee sharing some wisdom!
Today was a great day. Yesterday I met two girls. Today, they opened up to me and told me many things about themselves. It's only the second day being with them and I'm already worried about having to leave them. These are just two of the kids out of forty. These two are great but ALL of them make me laugh. Back at home people usually have to tell me "Kaylee smile!" But here that doesn't have to happen. Just this week alone I think I have smiled five times as much as I have in the last 3 months. -Kaylee Towne.

You can read the entire post HERE.

A great picture of Damian DeKezel
"Things have changed in the community since I came in 2010," Jan said. "The children were incredibly dirty, and they didn't have the social skills they have now.  Point of Hope has really improved their standard of living." That's because Point of Hope takes a holistic approach to child development, as we have been learning by talking with the staff there.  Children aren't just put through an academic curriculum, but they are given showers, made to change into clean clothes and shoes upon arrival at the center, examined by a nurse for general wellness daily, given medical care when needed, and fed breakfast and lunch every day. Jan is convinced of the difference those things make in their overall attitude and outlook on life. She observed that the children today seemed more alert. "Just thinking about the name - Point of Hope," she recalled, "in 2010, I didn't see a lot of hope in their eyes. I didn't see a lot of joy or confidence. They seemed very distrustful and they wouldn't engage in conversations with the team. They were hesitant to participate in everything - games, music, crafts." "Now I see that they have visions of their future. They have hopes and dreams. They have success. They are more trusting.  I see that they are more focused and able to follow directions." - Monica Barrett & Jan Larson

You can read the entire blog post HERE.

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