Monday, March 4, 2013

Human Trafficking in Romania

Did you know slavery still exists? 
Up until recently human trafficking went widely unnoticed and unknown. defines human trafficking as "the illegal practice of procuring or trading in human beings for the purpose of prostitution, forced labor, or other forms of exploitation."

Romania and many other Eastern European countries continue to struggle economically after years of Communism. Poverty is rampant, jobs are hard to come by and human traffickers use these conditions to their advantage. Many young people who cannot find jobs will listen when someone offers them a job that sounds plausible. It is common for Romanians to work abroad in a restaurant or hotel, so this type of job offer would be welcomed. Many who don't see any options in their home town are willing to travel to find work, which usually includes promises of a better life. Unknowingly men, women and children will agree to go with people who offer these jobs and end up being trafficked in to prostitution, forced labor or begging.

According to "Romania consistently ranks as one of the top source countries for those being exploited & trafficked throughout Europe."


Human trafficking is a billion dollar enterprise that is conducted through hundreds of different groups. When one group is found and dismantled, hundreds more exist. They operate in such a way that when a nightclub or brothel needs a new victim, they put in their request and a new victim is found and delivered. It is difficult to stop human trafficking when prostitution is legal in many European countries. Romanians can be trafficked and moved to these countries.

Please educate yourself and others about human trafficking in Romania and around the world. We must band together to stop human trafficking.

I would encourage you to watch the video below about trafficking in Romania. It tells about one woman's story to make a difference in the lives of young girls. She is doing big things in a country that can be corrupt and unjust. Be aware that some parts tell about the treatment of trafficked persons and can be difficult to watch.

Click the links below to learn more about human trafficking and to learn what you can do about it.

**Please note that ACF is not affiliated with any of the organizations listed above.
I wanted to provide links for further information about trafficking, but 
did not read all of the information on each site, so please be cautious.**

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