Saturday, May 14, 2016

Unworthy or Blessed?

It will probably be Sunday morning or afternoon before you read this blog post from our other new Ministry Development Manager Kirsten Litton. Kirsten does a great job describing her feelings with this awesome post. Please read it carefully. Lots of good stuff in here.

Kids praying before their meal
at the Point of Hope
Our time in Romania has gone by so fast! I think their clocks run twice as fast as ours! Today was another awesome day with the kids... But it was extra special because we were able to spend alot of free time with the preschoolers today. And because of so many generous people back home we were able to use the newly remodeled room upstairs for the first time. For you and I it's not a big deal to have a place to stretch out, for our kids to have room to move around and get their wiggles out while being indoors. But most of these beautiful Roma children share a one room "apartment" that is smaller than most people's walk in closets, with no running water, no beds, a dirty couch or chair maybe, and they share this room usually with multiple siblings and their parent (s). So my heart just burst watching these kids as we played duck duck goose, and they danced and rolled around on freshly laid carpet because they could! And then my heart was warmed again and was grateful for the many people who give to ACF that made that moment and many more to come possible. We are so blessed by the staff we have at the center. They completely love these kids. They are so tenderhearted and amazing at what they do. They run like a fine oiled machine. Making meals, doing crafts, bringing people in from schools to talk with the kids, helping older kids with homework, as many of them have no place in their home to even do homework... And doing camps and so many other programs. Visiting the children in their homes when they don't come to school... Earning the trust of these families. Being in the trenches every day. And the kids love and respect them right back. I collected extra hugs from the kids today because I know it's the last time on this trip that I will see them. And they are the sweetest tightest little hugs you've ever had. I'm so excited to some day bring my family and friends back with me so you all can experience and know the wonderful feeling of helping to change these little lives. I'm not able to communicate my heart thru the words that I write how blessed I feel to serve these kids. I'm truly not worthy of such a blessing but God seems to think differently. I have so many more moments to share with you all and can hardly wait to get home and get together with you all! Blessings-Kirsten

Kirsten & Alicia

Our Mission!

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