Thursday, May 12, 2016

Stolen Hearts!

Kirsten Litton and Alicia Carter
Today we received our first 2 bits of feedback from the new Another Child Foundation employees in Romania. Below are their 2 posts. I have told them that we want pictures of them with the kids for tomorrow. So come back again tomorrow to see visual evidence that Alicia and Kirsten are actually in Romania spending time with the kids.

Romania has stolen my heart! 

We've only been in Romania for 3 days, and we have already done so much and learned so much about its beautiful country and wonderful people! We were able to visit the gorgeous Bran Castle, drive past many historical fortresses, and travel through breathtaking
mountains. I couldn't have imagined a more stunning country! 
Today the moment we have been waiting for finally arrived! We got to meet the kids at the Point of Hope! To know them is to love them. So many of the Point of Hope children, unlike my own kids, didn't need a "warm up period." Instantly they grabbed our hands, hugged us, or jumped right on our laps as if we were their long lost friends. But we aren't just "friends". These precious kids are part
of my family now, a forever part of my heart. Every second I spent with them, I felt such a strong urge to find more ways to help grow our reach and help more kids. We
got the opportunity to see where they live, and I was so devastated for them. My heart broke for their parents, who with embarrassment welcomed us into their homes. 
Many of the older children today were able to express what they want to be when they grow up. It was amazing to hear that they now have hopes and dreams for their future! I pray that hope would spread to their parents and to their friends in their community!   - Alicia Carter

Hello from Romania! Our trip here has been so wonderful. Romania and it's people are  very beautiful.  Everything we've done in getting here has been completely out of our comfort zone. But the people have been nothing but hospitable in making us feel at home. We've toured Dracula's castle-my first ever castle visit, stayed the night at a hotel surrounded by beautiful mountains... And those things were amazing, but nothing compares to spending time with the Roma children at the Point of Hope Center. We spent the whole day today learning, watching and seeing first hand how and what they do there. The kids will easily capture your heart! We went into their community and saw their living conditions, and that was very hard to see. But they are so full of life and so smart and so eager to hug you and hold your hand. We don't need to speak the same language. In fact, they are quite good at "telling" you what they want! The day has been exhaustingly wonderful. I don't think I've ever hugged and held hands with or had so many little people on my lap as I have today. And I loved every second of it. They love to have their pictures taken and surprisingly are quite savy with a smart phone.. Even the three year olds! The love of Jesus that is being poured into them at the center, all the effort of the staff and volunteers and the dreams and plans that they have for the children and there community leave no doubt in my heart that I am doing the work that God has prepared in advance for me. I'm in complete awe that he would ask me-a nothing special from Illinois to embark on a journey that is and will change many lives and give hope to a people that otherwise have none.   - Kirsten Litton

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