Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Wonderful Wednesday!

To say that I am in love with this people group and their country is a complete understatement.  From the intensity of the breath-taking landscape to the jovial chuckles of the people when I attempt a Romanian multumesc (thank you), I'm hooked.  I've heard that Wednesday is "hit the wall" day for mission trip groups.  Let me assure you that not only has our team NOT hit a wall, we (well, really the men), have sanded and painted walls!

Our day began working with the preschoolers- learning about Zaccheus and how God wants us to love our neighbors.  The children dressed up in adorable costumes and reenacted Zaccheus trying to see Jesus.  Our Zaccheus then repaid the money (in candy form) that he had previously stolen to the other children, who were dressed up as townspeople.  The children moved into the craft area to learn about putting on the armor of God and made soldiers out of foam stickers.  They were very excited to get to take home this visual of how to become soldiers in God's army!

The other team members worked with the older children, learning about loving each other, making bead bracelets and playing a rousing rendition of Hungry, Hungry Hippos, using ball pit balls, buckets and ropes.  The kids that were too cool for school on Monday were willing participants today during their rotations.  It's amazing to see how quickly children are able to let their walls down and be open to what the Lord is trying to do in their lives.

In the afternoon, the women on our team got the privilege to serve the women in the community through cooking demonstrations, crafting a tissue paper bowl and by setting up a nail salon.  We had women aged 18-55+ with us and it was endearing to see them relax, encourage each other, and even tell each other how to do their "job" better.  These women in the past have segregated themselves into different "classes," but I could not honestly tell which women previously did not get along with each other.  The women's programs, which are held monthly at the Point of Hope, have united the women and have given them a shelter to relax, encourage and have fun with each other.

Meanwhile, upstairs, the men on our team paired up with some of the Point of Hope staff to get down and dirty in the construction wing of the school.  In September, there will be new programs beginning.  Opportunities to learn trade skills such as wood-working, sewing and cooking will be offered to students.  In order for these programs to begin, much work must be done!  The walls are up and sheetrock has been hung.  The men worked today to sand and paint the walls.  They were gracious enough to find a job for Zachary, and he's quite proud of the paint smears on his shirt.

I can't believe that we only have a few more days at the Point of Hope!  I can't wait to see what happens in the next couple of days!

Written by Amy Bowles from Houston, TX.

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