Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Days 2 & 3 Recap at Harghita Camp!

Worship time!!!
Everyone enjoys reading the posts from the VBS camps at Harghita because of the budding relationships that happen. The youth and leaders from St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Avon, CT are doing an amazing job connecting with the 50 children from the Point of Hope Development Center in Tarneveni, Romania.

These 50 children who have been on the verge of abandonment several times in their young lives are now thriving because of the dedication of the staff that ACF supports in Romania. No post should go by without recognizing the outstanding work being done by the paid staff members of Fundatia Buckner, as well as the many volunteers. Thank you to each of those staff members and volunteers who do the hard work each and every day mentoring our kids as well as creating a loving atmosphere for these kids to thrive in.

Here is a recap of days 2 & 3

Crazy 9' beach ball!
This was our first full day of camp. The morning went even smoother than Day 1. In crafts we made bracelets, the bible story was Nicodemus, in Music the kids learned a new song, and in games they played a few different activities. The afternoon was long. But we had different activities planned and kept the kids entertained. I think the kids favorite part was the 9 foot around beach ball we brought! The kids played with it for hours! On to Day 3!

Game time!
Day 3 was water day! The morning started with our normal VBS rotation. Crafts where they made a little house, bible where they learned about Zaccheaus, games they played many tag games and in music they learned  "Sanctuary".  The afternoon was filled with water. The kids played different water relay games and enjoyed a slid on a giant piece of linoleum covered in soap and water! They could not get enough! We handed out more clothing to the kids that was donated to them from our congregation! More friendships were formed and connections were made. This has been an amazing experience!

If you would like some additional information on how to help us continue to serve these children on a daily basis you can click the link below to learn about our CHILD SPONSORSHIP program. Child sponsorship is a vital way for people like you to ensure the needs of these children is met on a daily basis.


Team photo at
Point of Hope

3 Beauties!

What! These are for me?

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