Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hearing the Voice of God!

During our day to day lives we often don’t really take time to listen for the voice of God, at least I don’t.   I’ve often wished the voice of God would come with a blinding flash of light or the roar of the wind so that I could be very sure of what He wants to tell me.  Instead His voice often comes in a whisper, a stray thought that comes unbidden to the mind, a gentle tap on the shoulder, the work of a friend, or even an email request.  An email request, that’s how God brought me the call to join the mission trip to Romania.  This email request came from Tim Oloffson, asking if I would be willing to consider joining the team for VBS this summer.  The support of family and friends, both financial and spiritual, made it possible for me to make this trip.  And what a trip it was.
The work of the Holy Spirit appeared to be among us from the first IL team meeting through the last minutes of the trip home.  From the minute the Illinois team met the Texas team at the Bucharest Airport we felt like fast friends with one agenda, to make the next week the best possible for the orphaned Romanian children that we would meet at camp.  All of the adults, from the USA and from Romania, exhibited a strong Christian spirit whose purpose was to show the face of God to the orphaned children and young adults.  So many times throughout the ten days, and especially the week of VBS, I saw the face of God in the people around me, and witnessed His actions in so many little things that happened. 
There were tears of love, sorrow and joy when it came time to leave on Friday.  Children are children and people are people, all needing care, love and attention.  The language difference was minor compared to what I found in their hearts.  It was hard to say good-bye, but easier to leave because people like Gabi and Dacian, and even Dennis, Swanna, Jessica and Taylor, remain to continue the foundation of God’s work, and also prepare to put to work the next team to follow us.  It is amazing what the people of Buckner Romania and Another Child Foundation have built in the last five years.  It meant a great deal to me to have been a small part of it; it has strengthened my faith and changed my willingness to be led by God into more experiences.  

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